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  • CANCELLED! The Benefits of B-6/12 Vitamin Injections are Endless

    Host: Angela Conte
    Fee: Free

    CANCELLED!! For the event on December 1st, 2016, we will be discussing the benefits of Vitamin B6/12 Injections and how it can assist with weight loss and overall health. We will also be discussing how to identify your “triggers” as it pertains to food and helping develop a healthier relationship with food. Below is a description of the many benefits of B6/12 injections.

    Vitamin B6/12 offers several benefits; it metabolizes fat and is a natural mild diuretic which helps the body to avoid retention of unwanted water weight. It also helps maintain you blood glucose (sugar) within a normal range. Vitamin B6/12 helps with weight loss through a stimulating effect of the thyroid. It is also a water-soluble vitamin and functions as a co-enzyme, essential in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates and proteins. It also helps to repair your tissue and cells. Vitamin B6/12 has also been scientifically proven to increase our mood, our happiness level and improve mild signs of depression. It can also normalize appetite and give greater levels of energy and less fatigue. B6/12 is also associated with getting a better night sleep and relieves muscle pain. Lack of B6/12 can contribute to everything from diarrhea, constipation and overall sluggishness. The following conditions have been associated with a lack of B6/12: Anemia, difficulty maintaining balance and nerve damage.

    To register for this event, please contact Angela at River Lakes Pain & Wellness – 262-200-2700 or via email at