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  • CANCELLED! Mandala Introductory Class

    Host: Rev. Julie T. Piek-MA, RMT
    Fee: Free

    CANCELLED!  Mandalas are sacred circles. They can be a reflection of emotion, prayer, celebration, reminders, or simply a bit of beauty.

    "The integrated view of the world represented by the mandala, while long embraced by some Eastern religions, has now begun to emerge in Western religious and secular cultures. Awareness of the mandala may have the potential of changing how we see ourselves, our planet, and perhaps even our own life purpose."

    Learn how-“Mandala coloring meditation(s)” are a unique way to create your own healing expression.

    Let the strength of the mandala's colors help you to transmute your physical and mental pains, feel heart-centered and balanced, and connect to the divine blessings of the universe.

    Know that the colors you select are drawn from your inner core and are a vibrational match to what you need most at this time.

    Know that you're using a sacred tool for your healing, and that mandala coloring is a very easy and creative way to unfold your unlimited potential.

    If you are ready to tap into your highest potential of allowing yourself to go inward and awaken your senses, then please sign-up for this free class to learn how.

    Please email me to register!