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  • Turn Your Sensitive Nature Into Your Superpower

    Host: Nicole Isler
    Fee: Free

    Have you ever been told “you’re too sensitive”? (and it drives you crazy?) You are not alone, in fact 15-20% of the population is categorized as highly sensitive people (HSP). Sensitive types live in a world of people who don’t necessarily understand or appreciate their strong feelings. They are told things like “don’t be so sensitive”, and it eats away at their self-esteem, they start to feel abnormal. Self-doubt sets in and they take a step back from living the life they truly want. Symptoms can manifest in reduced health, difficult relationships, lack of direction with goals and purpose and so on. Does any of this remind you of yourself — or someone close to you? If so, you are not broken and there is nothing wrong with you. You are a sensitive soul, a Highly Sensitive Person. (HSP) Not knowing how to navigate your feelings can end in frustration, isolation and discomfort. Attend this class to help you recognize sensitivity is part of your genetic make-up, or rather your genius make-up. Learn ways to adapt to a world that isn’t filled with equally sensitive people so you can thrive and be happy. Please register at the following link: