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Protect Your Family's Health: Avoid the “Dirty Dozen” (unless they’re organic!)

Posted to: Wellness Blog by Joe Nolan on Mar 27, 2023

As parents, we always want the best for our children, and that includes what we feed them. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is important for maintaining good health and preventing chronic diseases like cancer. However, not all fruits and veggies are created equal, and some are more likely to contain harmful pesticides than others. That's where the Dirty Dozen comes in - a list of the 12 most pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables.

Click here for a song for the kids to listen to and learn about the dirty dozen

There are many factors that can influence the amount of pesticides found in fruits and vegetables.

  • Some crops are more susceptible to pests and diseases, which means that they require more intensive pesticide treatments to ensure a successful harvest.
  • Some farming practices, such as the use of synthetic fertilizers, can create conditions that encourage pests to flourish.
  • Some crops have thin skins or are more absorbent, making them more likely to absorb pesticides from the soil or surrounding environment.

All of these factors can contribute to higher pesticide levels in certain fruits and vegetables, which is why it's important to be aware of the "Dirty Dozen" and make a conscious effort to buy these items organic whenever possible.

At Good Harvest Market, we understand the importance of eating organic and making sure your children are consuming foods that are free of harmful chemicals. That's why we offer a wide selection of organic produce, including the Dirty Dozen items like strawberries, spinach, and tomatoes.

Let's take a closer look at each of the Dirty Dozen and why it's important to eat them organically:

  • Strawberries - often contaminated with multiple pesticides known to contain carcinogens that can harm developing children.
  • Spinach - can contain up to 22 different pesticides and is often contaminated with toxic insecticides.
  • Kale - commonly contaminated with a pesticide that has been linked to cancer.
  • Nectarines - often treated with numerous pesticides that can harm the nervous system.
  • Apples - can contain up to five different types of pesticides and are known to be linked to neurological damage in children.
  • Grapes - often contaminated with multiple pesticides and fungicides, including ones linked to cancer and hormone disruption.
  • Peaches - often treated with pesticides that have been shown to be toxic to the reproductive system.
  • Cherries - can contain up to six different types of pesticides, including a carcinogen that can harm developing children.
  • Pears - often treated with fungicides that have been linked to cancer and hormone disruption.
  • Tomatoes - commonly contaminated with pesticide residue, including one linked to cancer.
  • Celery - can contain up to 13 different types of pesticides, including those that are toxic to the nervous system.
  • Potatoes - often treated with pesticides that can be harmful to the skin and eyes.

By choosing to buy these fruits and vegetables organically, we can reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals and provide our children with the healthiest possible food. At Good Harvest Market, we make it easy for you to do just that with our wide selection of organic produce, including the Dirty Dozen items.

Remember, shopping at Good Harvest Market means you are supporting a local business that is committed to providing you with the best quality organic foods available. So, shop healthy, shop local, shop Good Harvest.
















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